Online store connection
Store interface programming from your expert for OXID, Shopware, PHP and .NET from Frankfurt am Main
Are you looking for a programmer for store connections? An agency that develops store interfaces? Searched - found!
Which store connections have we already developed?
We have been able to implement or support numerous webshop connections in the past, including
- Amazon (, and
- eBay
- Yatego
- cheapskate
- Haufe
- Komsa
- ...
We develop individual store interfaces for you, among other things:
Product portal connections
connect your online store to a sales-promoting product portal, e.g. Ciao, Pangora,, Kelkoo, Yatego, testeo, Idealo, Google Shopping or others: we ensure that all your store items can be found in the product portals promptly and without errors. And if something does not work, we will also support you with help and advice during operation. Would you like to connect your online store to a product portal? We'll be happy to do it for you!
Amazon connections
connect an online store to the so-called "Amazon Marketplace" - Amazon's international shopping platform par excellence. Depending on your requirements, it is possible to connect your store either "only" to (for the German-speaking market), or also to,, etc. (for international markets). Would you like to open a completely new online store including an integrated Amazon interface, or just expand your existing online store with an Amazon connection? Just ask us!
eBay connections
connect an existing online store with an additional eBay store and ensure that all new or modified products are automatically listed on eBay and that incoming orders automatically end up in the online store's merchandise management system. Are you looking for a new complete online store solution including an integrated eBay interface, or would you simply like to connect your existing store to eBay at a later date? Just ask us!
Price search engine connections
connect your webshop to an Internet price search engine, e.g.,, Geizhals,, Google Shopping and all others. Whenever possible, we build on an inexpensive interface solution such as "shoXport" - and if not possible, we program your store interface individually "by hand" if necessary. Would you like to connect your webshop to a price search engine? We can do it for you!
Merchandise management connections
connect online stores and merchandise management systems so that article data can be transferred from the ERP system to the store (articles, texts, images, prices, stocks) and, conversely, orders and customer data can flow back from the store to the merchandise management system. Please click here if you are interested in a merchandise management connection.
Payment system connections
are important for every online store. We advise you on the selection of the most suitable payment system and connect your online store to one or more payment providers. If you would like to have a store payment system programmed, we will be happy to do this for you. Please click here if you are interested in a payment system connection.
ONIX connections
enable semi-automatic or fully automatic article import into an online store, e.g. to regularly import or update article data from a supplier into the database. We program the ONIX import for your database and support you during operation. Do you need an online store ONIX connection? Then simply get in touch with us!
Individual store connections
are online store interfaces developed individually for your store that integrate your online store and (almost) any other eCommerce system. We program individual eCommerce interfaces and store connections for all platforms, e.g. for OXID eShop, Shopware, PHP, Microsoft ASP.NET (C#, VB), MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL), etc. Do you need an individually developed store connection? We can do it for you!
Do you need an online store connection?
Then don't hesitate to request a non-binding quote. We look forward to hearing from you!
Do you already know which technology you would like to use?
Then visit our information pages on OXID eShop, Shopware, PHP, MySQL, .NET or MSSQL!
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Creation of a Shopware 6 online store for Zimmer + Rohde(2021)
Zimmer + Rohde GmbH from Oberursel commissioned eWorks, a Frankfurt-based Shopware e-commerce agency, to develop a B2B store for high-quality home textiles in sophisticated designs in July 2021. Zimmer + Rohde is a modern textile publisher for luxurious covers, curtains and wallcovers and wanted to have a professional online store created to digitize sales and boost online sales. The aim was to develop an online store on the then brand-new Shopware 6 platform that could map all individual customer needs and meet high standards. As well as a second store for the subsidiary brand "ADO Goldkante" with identical functionality but an independent web design. Zimmer + Rohde approached various Shopware partners for this. eWorks, a Shopware development agency specializing in innovative e-commerce solutions, was chosen from the online store agencies approached due to its outstanding programming expertise and numerous certified Shopware developers.
Online store creation for expert-TechnoMarkt(2022)
The consumer electronics chain expert TechnoMarkt (Alling) is one of the largest members of expert SE with around 500 employees at 14 locations and has commissioned eWorks as a Frankfurt-based OXID agency with the store programming for the sale of electrical and electronic goods in B2C. The eCommerce solution "OXID eShop Enterprise Edition" from the online store provider OXID eSales AG (Freiburg) was used as the standard software in order to achieve maximum functionality, usability and security while keeping time and costs to a minimum. As an official OXID partner from Frankfurt, eWorks was able to support its client in almost all technical matters, from installation, customizing and web design to OXID programming with PHP & MySQL.

Shopware booking portal of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg(2022)
At the beginning of 2021, Lüneburg's Leuphana University announced a funding project to program a booking portal for university study modules as part of the "Professional School Individuale" in order to simplify and promote continuing professional development. eWorks, as a web store agency, responded to this call for tenders with the concept of using existing standard eCommerce software as a technological basis and adapting it in such a way that it becomes a professional online store for university course booking. Although Leuphana University did not want to have an online store created in the narrower sense, this idea was nevertheless convincing due to the expected costs of this online store, because essential components such as product presentation and the checkout process did not have to be programmed from scratch. In the end, eWorks was awarded the contract for the implementation of this eCommerce project, which was mainly funded by grants.
Taxpayers' Association Online Shop(2020)
The service company of the German Taxpayers Association, "BdSt Steuerzahler Service GmbH", has commissioned eWorks to plan and develop the BdSt Onlineshop Internet store.
Online store development for Evonik Röhm(2020)
Darmstadt-based PLEXIGLAS® inventor Evonik Röhm GmbH - then still Evonik, since 2019 Röhm GmbH - commissioned eWorks as a certified Shopware and OXID partner to recreate the online store The large-scale project based on the OXID eShop Enterprise B2B Edition consisted of three project phases, which were completed in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
BRUHN Elektro-Hausgeräte Shop mit Shopware 6(2017)
Die Bruhn-Elektro-Hausgeräte Handelsgesellschaft mbH wurde 1979 in Weinstadt gegründet und hat sich zu einem führenden Elektro-Fachhandelsunternehmen in der Region Stuttgart entwickelt. An insgesamt 4 Standorten bietet Elektro Bruhn eine breite Palette an Haushaltselektronik bekannter Marken wie Siemens und Bosch an. Neben den stationären Filialen vertreibt Elektro Bruhn sein Sortiment auch erfolgreich über einen modernen Online-Shop, der auf der fortschrittlichen Shopware-Plattform basiert. Im Jahr 2017 plante Elektro Bruhn bedeutende Shop-Erweiterungen und suchte für die notwendigen Shopware-Programmierungen einen erfahrenen Shopware-Dienstleister. Die Wahl fiel auf eWorks als Shopware-Partner, um die Betreuung und Weiterentwicklung des Shops in der Version 5 zu übernehmen.

OXID online store development from
WohnSinn oHG, a store for gifts and home accessories in Mainz-Bretzenheim, expanded its product range in 2015 to include the self-founded label "Betty & Marcus". In order to be able to present the new brand more nationally and internationally in the future, eWorks was commissioned as a Hessian OXID agency to create an online store for the complete Betty & Marcus range. WohnSinn wanted to have a web store created in order to open a second eCommerce sales channel in addition to the retail store sales and to be able to realize real multi-channel sales.
Beloved home migration from xt:Commerce to OXID eShop(2015)
Geliebtes Zuhause GmbH (Gründau / Lieblos) is the operator of, a leading and fast-growing online store for "Lovely Home Fashion, Design and Living" with a focus on Nordic countries. As part of a technical OXID store update in combination with a redesign of the store design, eWorks, as an OXID partner of the first hour from nearby Frankfurt, was commissioned with a data migration from the existing xt:Commerce store to the new OXID eShop Enterprise Edition (OXID EE). In this way, all existing customers were to be able to continue to log in and shop in the new OXID store using their access data.
OXID store redesign for BdSt Steuerzahler Service GmbH(2015)
In 2015, BdSt Steuerzahler Service GmbH from Wiesbaden in Hesse commissioned eWorks, a long-standing certified OXID partner from neighboring Frankfurt, to redesign and technically update the aging Bund-der-Steuerzahler store. The Bund-der-Steuerzahler store was last relaunched at the beginning of 2011. However, 4 years later, the ravages of time were once again gnawing away at its (once modern) web design, which is why the look and feel of this online store needed to be optimized once again.

OXID programming of an online store connection(2013)
eWorks was commissioned by the Service-Gesellschaft des Bundes der Steuerzahler (BdSt Steuerzahler Service GmbH) to develop an automatic article import for the BdSt store

OXID programming of the myMöbel online store with furniture configurator(2013)
The "myMöbel GbR" (Wadersloh) commissioned eWorks as a certified OXID partner with the technical conception and development of an OXID eShop-based online store for high-quality solid wood furniture: www.myMö The highlight was the development of a furniture configurator that was not only able to customize all pieces of furniture to the wishes of the store customers, but was also able to calculate reliable yet attractive prices.
myMöbel was nominated for the "Golden Cart Award 2014" in the "Innovative Business Model" category.

OXID programming of the Econanda online store(2013)
eWorks was commissioned with the conception, design and implementation of the online store Particular attention was paid to ease of use and outstanding usability.

Store creation of with OXID eShop(2012)
On behalf of and in cooperation with Boomstore GmbH & Co. KG to design and develop the online store of the same name,, a web store for entertainment and household electronics products.
Boomstore is the winner of the "Shop Usability Award 2012" and the "Golden Cart Award 2013".

Webshop creation of edelstahlschrauben-mä
Wagener & Simon WASI GmbH & Co. KG, a Würth Group company, commissioned eWorks with the conception, design and implementation of an online store for stainless steel fasteners. Special attention was paid to a young, fresh and humorous appearance, which was to be realized through many photos, a warm color scheme and the store name Edelstahlschrauben-Mädels. The Enterprise Edition of OXID eShop was used.
Complete webshop setup from Vinyl Digital(2012)
The founder of Vinyl Digital GmbH planned to implement a new business model that would offer the online distribution of vinyl recordings paired with a digitization service: This is how the evocative name "Vinyl Digital" was born!

Online store DRUCKbar for designing 3D prints(2011)
DRUCKbar is an online store that enables end customers to design their own 3D printed products from high-quality materials. This opens up offers to consumers that were previously only available to companies and tradespeople.
Online store connection to Yatego and Amazon(2011)
eWorks was commissioned by a retail store operator to connect its Magento online store to the product portals "Yatego" and "Amazon", and carried out the design and development of the required interface. In detail, eWorks supported its client with the following services:
Planning of the solution to be developed in close cooperation with the technical support of the companies Yatego GmbH (St.…

Web merchandise management programming for inventory management(2011)
On behalf of "S & R Edelmetalle GmbH" (Dresden), eWorks has expanded an existing online store with an individually developed, web-based merchandise management system that makes it possible to obtain an overview of the company's stocks in the simplest possible way.
The inventory management software was developed on the basis of the open source platforms PHP and MySQL. The application is operated…

Support and further development of an xt:Commerce online store(2010)
SantaFeTex GmbH (Wachenheim) has commissioned eWorks with the maintenance and further development of its xt:Commerce store system

xt:Commerce B2B store extension(2010)
On behalf of the operator of an xt:Commerce store, eWorks carried out an extension to an existing store system. Several areas of the store were revised and new functionalities developed - including a B2B module.
A trading area was added to the xt:Commerce online store to enable B2B. This provides commercial store customers in their role as brokers with special functions after activation by the…

FrohMUT online store(2010)
eWorks has realized the new development of an online store for natural food supplements and natural products of all kinds to "increase joie de vivre". The Enterprise Edition of the OXID eShop from OXID eSales AG was used.
Online store for POS displays from THIMM(2010)
The new online store was designed as an additional sales and presentation channel for THIMM Display's POS display range. THIMM Group is a pan-European corrugated board specialist and innovative system provider in the packaging management process.
eWorks planned and realized the company's own Internet store Shop(2005)
LearnAct! GmbH commissioned eWorks to install an Internet store in their existing website (see CMS relaunch).
Die DIGIRENT SERVICE GMBH (Obertshausen) beauftragte eWorks mit der Konzeption und Realisierung einer Internetpräsenz für den Online-Verleih von DVDs der Entwicklung einer "Online-Videothek". Pünktlich zum 1. Oktober 2003 konnte die Online-Videothek an den Start gehen. Für Details siehe Online-Videothek.
Die Online-Videothek besaß bereits nach wenigen Monaten sehr viele Kunden, und die…
ShopFactory Pro(2002)
We were able to advise three operators of small online stores on connecting their online stores, which are based on the ShopFactory Pro store software, to a payment gateway and implement the connection.