Word template programming for Wessinger GmbH
Development of Word document templates with Microsoft Word 2010 & VBA
The advertising agency LEPETITMAX oHG (Frankfurt am Main) commissioned eWorks to program Word document templates for the renowned Wessinger Hotel (Wessinger GmbH, Neu-Isenburg near Frankfurt). The objective was to create Word document templates with which information cards for the restaurant and hotel area can be created as quickly and easily as possible - while ensuring a professional, uniform appearance.
At the beginning of development, a single master template was designed with the basic structure and all important design elements. The design and formatting of the texts were combined in a large number of style sheets, allowing direct access to different design options with just a single mouse click. This approach also fulfilled the requirement of being able to centrally define and influence the visual appearance of all documents created. Once the fine-tuning of the master template had been completed and approved, the remaining document templates were derived from the master template.
eWorks implemented the Wessinger templates using Microsoft Word 2010 and VBA. The completed Word templates were handed over to the client, after which eWorks supported them with questions about operation and possible expansion requests. Since then, the Wessinger Hotel has been using the templates in the restaurant and hotel area for a more professional appearance and at the same time benefits from reduced costs for creating and maintaining the templates.