Toolbar converter (Excel 2003 to Excel 2007)

Toolbar converter (Excel 2003 to Excel 2007)

A tool for converting Excel 2003 toolbars into Excel 2007 ribbons

As part of an order from hfp Informationssysteme GmbH, eWorks has developed a tool based on Excel 2007 that makes it possible to migrate a toolbar created in Excel 2003 to Excel 2007.

The objective was to load toolbars from Excel 2003 files and offer them for modification and conversion as an Excel 2007 ribbon. During automatic ribbon creation, any VBA projects ("macros") contained in the background are adopted with or without password protection and their program code is adapted to the requirements of the Excel 2007 ribbon. This automatic adaptation ensures the unrestricted reusability of Excel 2003 macros.

The functionalities of the converter solution include

Creation of an Excel 2007 ribbon from Excel 2003 toolbars.

Replacement of "small" Excel 2003 symbols with "large" Excel 2007 symbols.

Defining the stored macros as event handlers.

Inserting so-called "command groups" into the Excel 2007 ribbon.

Change labels and tooltips.

Quickly add additional buttons at the touch of a button.

The project was rounded off by integrating the conversion tool as a visually appealing ribbon. eWorks carried out the technical design and subsequent development of the tool and successfully delivered it to the client to their satisfaction.

Used technologies

Microsoft Office

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