Quality assurance of a Microsoft Outlook Add-In

Automated GUI tests with Outlook 2010, Cobra WinLDTP and Java

PROSTEP AG is the recognized PLM specialist in the field of product data integration. The company offers customers from the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding and mechanical engineering industries the integration of CAD, PDM and supplier communication. The PROSTEP Group currently employs more than 250 people in Germany, France and the USA. PROSTEP AG develops and operates a data exchange platform for the secure transmission of large volumes of data via e-mail & WWW: OpenDXM GlobalX. To improve desktop integration, an additional Outlook add-in was programmed that merges OpenDXM GlobalX with Outlook. eWorks was commissioned to support the quality assurance of this Microsoft Outlook add-in with automated GUI tests.

The project started with a kick-off workshop to specify the requirements, after which several open source and commercial GUI test frameworks were evaluated. After weighing up all the pros and cons together with the client, it was decided to use the "Cobra WinLDTP (VMware)" test tool and to program the test cases in Java.

In the second phase of the project, eWorks developed several test plans based on the technical manual of the Outlook add-in in order to put its functions through their paces. Each test plan contained a sequence of test cases that mimicked realistic user interactions. The aim was to cover every conceivable use case with at least one test case that would objectively test and document its functionality. The elaborated test plans were discussed with the client, fine-tuned and finally approved.

The third phase of the project involved coding the previously developed test plans. Using Cobra WinLDTP and Eclipse, all previously approved test plans were programmed in Java, and textually documented test plans became coded test plans. The need for coordination in this phase proved to be minimal, as the Java development could largely be carried out independently. In the end, a test coverage was achieved that allowed the automated and reproducible testing of almost all functions of the Microsoft Outlook add-in.

The fourth phase of the project involved installing and setting up the test park with the help of Cobra WinLDTP and VMware. In consultation with the client, a large number of Microsoft Windows versions and Microsoft Outlook versions to be tested were defined, e.g. Microsoft Outlook 2010 32 bit under Windows XP SP III 32 bit. A separate VMware machine was set up for each target system and connected to Cobra WinLDTP in order to automatically simulate the startup, testing and shutdown of this target system.

The fifth and final project phase involved repeated testing with different software versions of the Outlook add-in. The tests coded in Java were executed and their results documented. If possible, errors found were analyzed immediately and possible causes of errors were identified. The JIRA bug tracking system was used for communication and documentation so that problem tickets could be created directly from the test results on the customer side.

eWorks supported PROSTEP AG in the quality assurance of the Outlook add-in from the very beginning: starting with the test tool evaluation, through the test plan development and Java programming, to the test execution, results documentation and problem analysis. At the end of the project, eWorks handed over all Java source codes and VMware machines to its client so that it could integrate the programmed tests into its own continuous integration system and repeat them automatically at any time for future product developments.

Used technologies

Microsoft Office

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