Programming multilingual Microsoft Word templates

Word 2010 template creation and VBA programming

The Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, commissioned eWorks to develop 10 Microsoft Word templates for different business cases on the basis of a design template. The new Word templates were to be characterized by ease of use, CI-compliant format templates and intelligent additional functions. The aim was to improve the implementation of the corporate identity (CI) while at the same time reducing process costs for writing letters, faxes, memos, text messages and other Office documents. In addition, a Microsoft PowerPoint template was to be created to facilitate the creation of door signs.

In the first phase of the project, eWorks analyzed the requirements for the Word templates based on the MRI style guide and the documents provided, extracted commonalities and developed a so-called "master template". This master template was handed over to the client, discussed and fine-tuned until 100% CI conformity was achieved.

The second project phase involved the VBA programming of some template functions that would save time when creating documents and make it easier for users to switch to the new Word templates. VBA macros were used to program an Outlook connection that enables Outlook contacts to be searched for and inserted into the recipient field. Just-in-time personalization was also programmed using VBA development: Extension, name, e-mail address, etc. no longer have to be typed in, but are pre-filled. To enable international correspondence, a VBA macro was programmed that switches between German and English Word templates at the touch of a button. And last but not least, the master template was secured using Word document protection to prevent unintentional CI violations such as changing the header or footer.

In the third and final project phase, the various Word templates such as letter, fax, note, text message etc. were derived from the master template and adapted to the visual specifications. These Word document templates were handed over to the client, discussed and individually fine-tuned. In the end, all 10 document templates were CI-compliant and could be successfully approved.

eWorks supported its client from the planning stage through Word and VBA programming to installation and commissioning, and was also available afterwards to answer any questions regarding operation. Since then, the MRI has been using the programmed Word templates to create its business correspondence and benefits from a more CI-compliant design of the Word documents, while at the same time saving time and money.

Used technologies

Microsoft Office

Related references

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