Oulook add-in programming with Microsoft .NET

Oulook add-in programming with Microsoft .NET

Outlook programming with C# for a company in the food industry

A well-known German company in the food industry commissioned eWorks, as Microsoft Outlook specialists, to develop an Outlook add-in for the e-mail storage of suspicious messages: spam e-mails, phishing e-mails and other dangerous e-mails (viruses, worms etc.).

Outlook 2010 was programmed using Microsoft .NET, C# and Addin-Express in order to completely dispense with the development of Outlook macros. The Outlook add-in developed integrates seamlessly into the ribbon and offers users the option of forwarding suspicious emails to the IT department for checking at the click of a mouse. For security reasons, however, this forwarding is not done again by e-mail, but via a specially protected network drive. To speed up the analysis, emails are saved in various formats: Text, HTML as well as separate e-mail headers and any file attachments. Outlook emails forwarded in this way are then automatically deleted, thus eliminating any threat.

Following the Outlook programming, the .NET developers turned their attention to the so-called "deployment", i.e. the distribution and installation on the target systems: the size of the company with several hundred workstations made a manual installation impossible, but required an unattended installation via a software distribution system. In consultation with the client, a Microsoft Installer package (.msi file) was developed for their software distribution system, which contains the complete Outlook add-in including all files, components, registry settings etc. and can be installed automatically on all workstations via software distribution. Following commissioning, eWorks will continue to be available to its client for any bug fixing (warranty), questions regarding operation and, if required, for additional Outlook development and .NET programming jobs ("change requests"). Since then, the client has been using the .NET add-in developed to cost-effectively increase its IT security while at the same time reducing the corresponding process costs.

Used technologies

Microsoft Office

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