FrohMUT online store
Webshop for food supplements and natural products
eWorks has realized the new development of an online store for natural food supplements and natural products of all kinds to "increase joie de vivre". The Enterprise Edition of the OXID eShop from OXID eSales AG was used.
The appearance of the store was adapted to the customer's needs and successively improved and optimized. It was particularly important to the operator that the product and image pictures used were of a very high quality.
To expand the store's functionality, eWorks installed third-party components and programmed its own modules. Furthermore, a connection to the online service eFire - which is also offered by OXID eSales AG - was established.
The store enhancements were as follows
- Integration of live support for online customer care
- Output of articles in PDF form with integrated cross-selling articles and offline fax order form
- Personality tests with integrated product recommendations
- Integration of interview videos
- Blog integration
- FACT Finder integration
- Integration of accordion navigation for top products
- Use of products as editorial articles
- Automated online image processing
- Dealer login (B2B) with net price display
- Customization of the voucher module
eWorks supported the operator until going live in mid-February 2010 and has been carrying out continuous maintenance and further development activities ever since.