Excel programming of a commission calculator
VBA development of an Excel revision calculator with evaluation
The consulting company for personnel management in engineering ORSON Consulting GbR (Stuttgart) commissioned eWorks to develop an Excel commission calculator for calculating turnover-based employee commissions. The aim was to be able to carry out regular commission calculations for certain employees and time periods more quickly and accurately in the future.
The programming was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010 and VBA. The user interface was developed as a convenient Excel solution with its own menu navigation in the Excel ribbon, the actual commission calculation using Excel cell formulas and VBA programming. The Excel commission calculation accesses stored company turnover and employee data, calculates employee-specific turnover figures and commissions, prepares these clearly and displays the results as an Excel workbook. The employee commissions can then be saved and printed out, exported as a PDF or processed further.
The commission calculation itself, which had previously been carried out manually, proved to be a particular challenge during software development. The underlying formulas were fine-tuned and tested again and again in close coordination with the client until a mathematically and economically coherent calculation model was finally created that could be programmed into the software.
eWorks designed, programmed and quality-assured the Excel calculator and handed it over to the client. Subsequently, eWorks supported its client with the installation and commissioning of the Excel solution. Since then, the client has been using the developed commission calculator to conveniently determine the commissions to be paid to his employees, thereby saving working time and process error costs.