Excel programming for process automation

VBA development of a Word document generator and Outlook mailer

The Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK) commissioned eWorks with the Excel programming of an Office process automation system. The objective was to generate Microsoft Word documents fully automatically and then send them by email using Outlook 2013 based on an Excel recipient list.

Software development began with the choice of programming platform, which in this case was Microsoft Excel 2013 and VBA. The aim was to use VBA programming to develop an Excel tool that not only automates Microsoft Excel itself, but also Word and Outlook. In terms of content, the software development was based on an Excel workbook provided by the client, which contained information about the email recipients and their responsibilities for certain topics and business processes. eWorks adapted the Excel workbook to the technical requirements of the VBA programming and handed it back to the client so that they could maintain and expand the recipient list themselves in future.

The Excel VBA programming of the required Word document generator then began. Excel VBA macros were developed to generate Word documents that process the recipient list, generate an individual Word document for each recipient and then send it to him/her by Outlook e-mail. In addition, a function was programmed (also using Excel VBA development) that makes it possible to attach individual files to each recipient and also send them to them and to store this permanently in the recipient list. This process of creating document extracts and sending them via Outlook e-mail was previously carried out manually. With Excel programming, it can be started with a single mouse click and then runs fully automatically. In order to increase target group acceptance, the e-mails sent were personalized for the respective recipients through Outlook programming and placeholder replacement to give the impression that document generation and e-mail dispatch were carried out manually.

eWorks supported its client in the implementation of the Excel tool from the very beginning: starting with the planning, through the Excel, Word and Outlook programming of the required VBA macros with Office 2013, to the handover and commissioning of the Excel solution. Following the installation, eWorks is available to its client for operating questions, any error reports (warranty) and possible expansion requests.

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