Development of Word templates for business correspondence
VBA development of "intelligent" Microsoft Word templates
The "Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V." (ZVEI), based in Frankfurt am Main, commissioned eWorks to develop various Microsoft Word templates and a PowerPoint template for different business processes on the basis of a design template. The MS Office templates to be created were to be characterized by ease of use, corporate design conformity and useful additional functions. The aim was to update the layout of letters, notes, minutes and other Microsoft Office documents following a relaunch of the corporate design (CD). At the same time, the aim was to reduce process costs when creating Word documents.
The Word template development began with the analysis of the style guide provided, which defined fonts, colors, logos and all other design aspects of the corporate design. Based on the style guide, a master template was developed that contained the common features of all the templates to be created: header, footer, spacing and style sheets. The developed Word template was handed over to the client and fine-tuned in close coordination until conformity with the corporate design was achieved.
Once the master Word template had been created, the second project phase was dedicated to the VBA programming of some Word macros as "little helpers" for future users. These VBA macros were not only intended to speed up document creation, but also to make the switch to the new Word templates more palatable - in short: to save time and be fun at the same time. For example, VBA development was used to program "just-in-time personalization" of the Word templates so that users do not have to type in their data (name, extension, e-mail address, department, etc.) each time, but find it pre-filled. Furthermore, a VBA macro was used to program a function for inserting partner logos, which can be inserted and deleted at the touch of a button in a flash and in compliance with CI. At the client's request, a Word macro was also developed to switch between German and English so that German and English documents can be created using one and the same template. (This eliminates the need to develop and maintain several language variants per Word template). Last but not least, the master template was secured using Word document protection to prevent unintentional or intentional CI violations, such as changing the header or footer.
In the third and final project phase, the various Microsoft Word templates such as letters, notes, minutes etc. were derived from the previously programmed master template and adapted accordingly. Each individual Word document template was handed over to the client, discussed and fine-tuned until approval was possible. In the end, all 9 Word templates were developed in line with the CI and were successfully approved.
eWorks supported its client from the technical conception of the Microsoft Word templates, through template creation and VBA programming, to installation and commissioning. Since then, ZVEI has been using the developed Word templates to create its business correspondence and benefits from Word documents that conform to its corporate design, while at the same time saving time and money. After commissioning, eWorks is available to its client for questions about operation, troubleshooting (warranty) or any change requests.