Development of Word template with Outlook connection
Word programming of a letter template with VBA macros
The hospitality service provider "Arena One GmbH" (Munich) commissioned eWorks to develop a Microsoft Word document template to support its correspondence. The objective was to comply with the corporate design (CD) while at the same time saving process costs in document creation.
At the start of the project, eWorks worked with Arena One to analyze the visual and functional requirements for the Word document template to be developed. Based on the previous Arena One correspondence and a style guide, a preliminary version of the new Word template was quickly created, which was reviewed and discussed with the client. The Word template design was then fine-tuned, handed over and finally approved.
To make the new template appealing to future users, some additional functions were programmed with Word 2010 & VBA to make it easier to create new letter documents. For example, a recipient selection with an integrated Outlook connection was implemented so that a letter recipient can be easily selected from the Microsoft Outlook contacts. Furthermore, a sender management function was developed using VBA programming in order to automatically enter address data records in the document template. A simple mouse-click switching option (letterhead / blank paper / PDF) was developed for printing on pre-printed letterhead as well as on blank white paper or as a PDF.
The templates were developed using Word 2010, including the use of format templates, form fields and Word document protection. The additional functions were programmed using Word VBA macros. Once the VBA programming was complete, the Word template was protected so that users could not damage the template design and structure (e.g. could not change or delete the header and footer). A particular challenge was the requirement to be able to continue sending serial letters, which could also be solved by VBA programming.
eWorks supported the client from the conception stage through Word programming to commissioning, and then helped with questions about operation and general Word problems. Since then, the client has been using the Word template developed to compose his correspondence and benefits from a more uniform appearance of the Word documents and reduced production costs.