Development of the mobile app 100 Sekunden Morgen for Android & iOS
App development with a cross-platform framework including TYPO3 headless backend
On behalf of the RKW Competence Center, eWorks 2023 took over the development of the mobile app "100 Sekunden Morgen" including the associated backend. The aim was to develop an app based on a cross-platform framework so that it did not have to be developed separately for Android and iOS. The backend was to offer the client's editors an easy way to create and maintain new content, which would then be displayed by the app.
The app is aimed in particular at companies, entrepreneurs and the self-employed. The RKW Competence Center's strategy impulses encourage those who have little time for strategic questions due to everyday business life to keep an eye on their own corporate strategy. Such an impulse can consist of various components from which an editor compiles the article, including texts, images or further links.
Users can be regularly informed about the latest impulses via push notifications and set bookmarks so that they can conveniently access the information when they want to take the time. The latest posts are saved automatically so that they can be accessed even without Internet access. There is also the option to share articles (or the app itself) via the native function of the respective mobile device and thus easily draw the attention of friends, colleagues or business partners to interesting information, e.g. via e-mail or messenger service.
The cross-platform framework .NET MAUI was used to implement the app. The primary programming language was C#, but JavaScript, HTML and CSS were also used, as parts of the app are displayed within a web view. The backend was developed using the PHP-based content management system TYPO3, and data management was carried out using a MySQL database. TYPO3's headless mode was also used. The latest versions of .NET Core, PHP and TYPO3 were used at the time of development.
eWorks supported the client from technical planning and development through to setting up the backend on the client's server and publishing the app in the App Store and Google Play Store. Since the release, eWorks has provided support in resolving errors (warranty) and other issues that may arise.
More information about the app:
100 seconds tomorrow in the Google Play Store and the App Store