Development of tariff calculator for Microsoft Excel
Excel programming of a tariff calculator for the customers of a logistics service provider
The internationally active distribution logistics service provider "Profresh GmbH" (Hamburg) provides its customers in Germany and abroad with services related to food logistics and has commissioned eWorks to ...
... to develop a software tool for calculating tariffs.
eWorks designed and implemented a customized software solution for the client's individual needs. For the first time, the client's customers can use the developed tariff calculator application to calculate transportation costs themselves, and can also take into account complex requirements such as intermediate hubs for international routes. The client's customers thus receive faster price information and greater cost transparency - with lower process costs for the client at the same time.
The software was developed on the basis of Microsoft Office 2007 in order to minimize installation support. The implementation as an Excel workbook made it possible for the client to enter future tariff changes themselves without any programming knowledge. The actual functionalities were developed using VBA macro programming ("Visual Basic for Applications"), a stable and proven Microsoft technology for integrating individual functions into Office documents.
eWorks programmed the software solution, including the required VBA macros, and handed it over to the client as a turnkey solution, who has since distributed it to its customers. Following completion and acceptance, eWorks is available to its client for troubleshooting (warranty) and any change requests.