Development of an online registration page for the national mathematics competition

PHP & MySQL web development with Laravel, Vue.js and Tailwind CSS

Bildung und Begabung gemeinnützige GmbH commissioned eWorks 2023 to program a registration page for the national mathematics competition. The aim of the project was to digitize the previously handwritten registration forms.

Based on the paper form previously used for this purpose, an online form prototype was iteratively designed in consultation with the client and then implemented.

The programming was done with Laravel, Vue.js and Tailwind CSS. The form was supplemented by a registration process for validating the data entered, a function for team registration of several participants, a PDF download of the generated registration form, which the participants attach to the submission, and an interface for transferring the registration to the Bildung & Begabung systems.

eWorks completed the software solution and delivered it turnkey, installed it and put it into operation. After acceptance, eWorks was available to the client for technical questions and the correction of any errors (warranty). Since then, eWorks has assisted the client with technical support issues.

Used technologies

Javascript / Vue.js
Web design

Related references

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