Development of an Excel project calculator
Creating an Excel workbook for calculating project costs
For the German Aerospace Center (DLR), eWorks GmbH developed a Microsoft Excel application for calculating project costs for the preparation and operation of space missions.
The project calculator application consists of a workbook that enables DLR to plan and calculate the project costs of space missions.
Planning takes place in any number of project phases, each of which has a start and end date. The project calculator makes it easy to move the project phases or edit the duration and automatically adjusts all other project phases and the project data. Categories and basic costs can be planned over a period of 30 years, broken down by cost type, on the basis of a calculation base. A project calculator workbook enables the planning of up to 20 projects, each of which is divided into 5 cost types, 4 departments and the previously defined number of project phases. The result of the calculations is displayed broken down by year and phase, as well as in total across all years and phases. In addition, the totals of the calculation can be viewed broken down by project phase per year in a further overview.
An extension to the Excel ribbon menu allows the user to conveniently switch between worksheets, focus the view of a worksheet on a specific criterion using a filter and call up the functions available for the worksheet.
eWorks GmbH provided the German Aerospace Center with comprehensive support in the implementation of the Excel application. From planning and programming to the handover and commissioning of the Excel solution. Following the installation, eWorks is available to the DLR for operating questions, possible corrections and expansion requests.