Development of a web application for recording, periodic data collection and reporting of language courses

PHP & MySQL web development with Laravel, Livewire and Tailwind CSS

On behalf of the Hessian Center for Everyday Language Support (HeZaS) operated by TU Darmstadt, eWorks 2021 took on the development of a web application. The aim was to create an easy-to-use web portal in which language course providers can digitally report the implementation of language courses to the coordination office and maintain statistically relevant participant data on a quarterly basis. Comprehensive statistics were also to be generated from the data collected in this way and made available to the Hessian Ministry of Labor, Integration, Youth and Social Affairs (HMSI) in the form of downloadable reports.

Together with the client and the Excel and Word drafts of the incoming and outgoing data created by him, a concept for mapping the process as a web application was developed.

The subsequent implementation was carried out in the proven combination of PHP and MySQL (here in the MySQL-compatible MariaDB). In order to save the budget and still create modern and user-friendly forms, the programming was carried out with the help of Laravel, Livewire and Tailwind CSS.

eWorks accompanied HeZaS from the initial idea of the software through the complete implementation to ongoing operation. Over the course of the software lifecycle, various extensions were implemented and support services were provided by eWorks. Since completion and commissioning, eWorks has been continuously available to the customer for troubleshooting, warranty and any change requests and processes the customer's support inquiries.

Used technologies

JavaScript / jQuery

Related references

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