Development of a SharePoint intranet for CPM Germany GmbH

Microsoft SharePoint development and PowerApp programming

The internationally active sales company CPM, based in Bad Homburg v. d. H., has commissioned eWorks as an official Microsoft partner and SharePoint developer from Frankfurt am Main to develop an intranet on the technical basis of Microsoft SharePoint 365.

The decision made in advance in favor of Microsoft SharePoint Online as the content management system (CMS) and programming framework for the intranet creation was easy, as the client had already been operating Microsoft SharePoint "on-premise" with great satisfaction for years. Nevertheless, the modern SharePoint user interface ("Modern UI") was replaced by a customized web design in order to move SharePoint visually into the background for the intranet users and the client's corporate design into the foreground.

On top of the already powerful range of functions, SharePoint programming with Microsoft .NET, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript or TypeScript and React was used to program additional functions tailored to the client's requirements, such as the "header news" (important content at a glance at all times), a "quick start bar" (control center on the right-hand side), employee profiles including a skills search and an RSS reader for external news websites - all individually configurable by users at the click of a mouse or drag & drop.

The development of the "Shoutbox", which allows authorized employees to send real-time messages to the workforce that pop up on the team's workstations or smartphones, proved to be a particular challenge. And "push notifications" ensure that this also works without an open intranet or even an open web browser. There are no limits to the imagination: whether guests have arrived, parking spaces are blocked, food orders have been delivered or other events - the Shoutbox can be used for all of these in future, saving time and reducing e-mail traffic.

eWorks supported its client from the technical planning and development through to the installation of the SharePoint site in the cloud in mid-2019. Following commissioning, eWorks is reliably available to its client as a SharePoint agency for any bug fixes and expansion requests.

Used technologies

JavaScript / jQuery
Microsoft Office
Web design

Related references

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