Development of a Microsoft Office confidentiality rating
VBA programming for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
eWorks supported the agency for strategic communication "c-scope" (Munich) in programming Microsoft Word document templates and PowerPoint presentation templates for "Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG". The objective was to extend the Office templates designed by c-scope to include the storage of confidentiality levels (e.g. "Secret").
Four buttons have been added to the developed Microsoft Word document templates so that each confidentiality level can be set by clicking on the corresponding button. The set document confidentiality is automatically displayed on every page of the current document using stored VBA macros. The new buttons have been placed in a separate "Telefònica" tab in the Office ribbon. In addition, the most common Word functions have also been linked there so that both these and the Telefònica functions are always in view.
The PowerPoint presentation templates developed were also extended to include the storage of confidentiality, for which a PowerPoint add-in was specially created. The PowerPoint add-in was developed using VBA programming, handed over to the client and installed on the workstations.
eWorks supported its client in an advisory capacity from the start of the project, carried out the VBA programming and helped with the installation and commissioning of the Word document templates and the PowerPoint add-in. Afterwards, eWorks is available to its client for any error reports (warranty) or change requests.