Creation of online learning videos for the RevierKraft customer portal
Screencasts of various portal functions with a guided tour through the features
In cooperation with e.dat GmbH, several educational videos were produced for the RevierKraft website and the RevierKraft customer portal. RevierKraft is an energy service provider and subsidiary of the energy supplier Energieversorgung Oberhausen AG (evo).
The videos are intended to familiarize new customers with the portal's possibilities and contribute to a better and more comprehensible use of the RevierKraft customer site. At the same time, the videos are intended to serve as a marketing tool - for example at trade fairs.
- The videos were produced in the form of screencasts of the individual functionalities and sections of the RevierKraft customer portal. The videos were set to music with detailed explanatory texts.
- The videos were published both on YouTube and on the RevierKraft portal page itself.
Used technologies
JavaScript / jQuery
Web design