Creation of intelligent Word templates for Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822

Creation of intelligent Word templates for Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822

Word template creation & VBA macro programming with Office 365

In July 2019, Frankfurter Sparkasse, one of the largest savings banks in Germany, commissioned eWorks, a Microsoft Word specialist with many years of experience, to create professional Word templates. Specifically, Frankfurter Sparkasse wanted to have around a dozen intelligent Word templates created - for Fraspa itself, but also for its subsidiary "1822direkt". The aim was to enable Word users to create letters, minutes, notifications, etc. faster, more conveniently and with fewer errors in future - with 100% corporate design conformity.

The first stage of the project was to create a Word letter template that would serve as the basis for all future templates and was adapted exactly to the corporate design: Fonts, colors, spacing, logos, etc. were precisely matched to the company's corporate design using Word 2016. The created letter template was then perfected in close coordination with the savings bank and finally approved.

In the 2nd project phase, the letter template was equipped with clever convenience functions through VBA programming. For example, with an automatic "sender data fill-in" function, so that the processor never has to fill in the extension number, address, e-mail address etc. by hand again, never fills them in incorrectly again and saves time at the same time - letter by letter. With a flexible favorites function to quickly write letters on behalf of third parties. With a "business area switch" at the click of a mouse that exchanges content and layout in milliseconds. And last but not least: with a "stationery switch" that will also allow blank white paper and PDF printing in future (or even pre-printed stationery as before). Special bonus: everything is also possible retrospectively, so that finished Word documents can be provided with a different stationery at any time and / or reused for other business areas.

In the third and final project phase, around 10 additional Word templates for minutes, messages etc. were derived from the previously created letter template. Last but not least, Word template after Word template was optimized for their intended purpose using modern content control elements (mini-calendars, fields, checkboxes, formulas, etc.) and customized quick modules and protected against incorrect use by means of document protection. As a result, Word documents can not only be created faster and more efficiently in future - they can also be fun!

The ambitious timetable envisaged a short-term finalization within a few weeks, so there was no time to lose. Talking buttons were integrated into the familiar Word menu bar ("ribbon") for quick access to all functions, so that no user training was required: it couldn't be more intuitive and convenient - or more time-saving. Layout and VBA macros were inherited from the master template to all other templates and only had to be finalized once, saving time and money and speeding up the development process considerably.

eWorks actively supported Frankfurter Sparkasse in the implementation of its Word templates right from the start of the project: from the initial consultation to the technical planning of the Word templates, from the design and Word programming to the handover and acceptance of all programmed Word templates. After commissioning, eWorks is available to its client as a Word expert for operating questions as well as for any error reports and occasional requests for enhancements to the Word templates developed.

Used technologies

Microsoft Office

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