The document converter
ConWord automatically converts complex documents from the formats Lotus WordPro (97 and Millenium), Word Perfect and MS Word (all versions) into the MS Word 97/2000/XP format.
ConWord enables the rapid migration of thousands of Office documents in a wide variety of file formats and layouts to a standardized target format, allowing documents to be quickly adapted to the individual CI (corporate identity).
The functionality contained in documents (table cells, tables of contents, etc.) is retained or converted, existing markup logic (headings, headers and footers, etc.) is also adopted or adapted accordingly to the target layout.
Any conversion steps carried out are recorded in a log file and can therefore be traced at any time.
Extensive configuration options can be combined into setting groups, e.g. to satisfy the various requirements of different departments and/or company locations.
eWorks supported OmniSys in the development of the functionality.